Another fake Paypal email

I was surprised this morning to see in my inbox, a receipt for a payment I made with Paypal. I have a few subscriptions setup so it’s normal that I receive those every month. But the title of the email said: Receipt for Your Payment to Plimus Ltd. Primus ? What is this ? I opened the mail and it really looked like a legitimate email from Paypal. It got the Transaction ID, the Order #, everything was telling me that this was a real transaction.

Fake Paypal email - real scam

But I really did not remember any purchase at Plimus… So I looked at the email a little more carefully. Then I saw some interesting things :-). First, the From address was [email protected]. This is not a address. First strike. Then, in the middle of the email, there was a CANCEL TRANSACTION! link. Paypal email never display this kind of link. Strike two. Finally, hovering the mouse over this CANCEL TRANSACTION link, we can see on the botton left of the screen that this link actually points to Not a Paypal domain. Strike 3, you’re out! See screenshot below.

Three hints to find out that this is a fake Paypal email

You see, it was not very hard to discover the scam, but we need to be careful and never assume that an email sent from a financial institution is real, until proven otherwise.

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