As published on

We’d like to thank the guys and gals over at INTRUDERS.TV for their feature on ImpressCMS and their interview with Marc-André Lanciault, this was a great compliment to our project.

Ten years ago webmasters would hand-code their websites in specialized text editors. Then came WYSIWYG editors followed by Content Management Systems. These « CMS » were and still are automated online applications that allow non-techies to build and feed their website. But we’re not done yet. Let’s take a look to a new kind of « CMS » as in Community Management Systems.

ImpressCMS is built by an open community of developpers heading towards Web 2.0. Marc-André Lanciault from INBOX International is one the founders and leaders of this new open source project based on XOOPS (which stands for eXtensible Object Oriented Publication System), a great CMS for which Web 2.0-oriented modules such as Yogurt Social Network are already available.

However, many open source projects do not allow as many developers to contribute to the code as would be needed to speed up the development process. According to Marc-André, the ImpressCMS team is ready to take that risk and, until now, he feels that it’s worth it. Implementation of requested features in an appropriate time frame is critical to keep your customer happy, no matter if you are an open source or an intellectual property-based company.

That is relevant in the Web 2.0 world where version 1.0 is replaced by an everlasting beta release. And if ImpressCMS is to set a new trend, we’ll soon see a new breed of « CMS » out there — « CMS » as in « Community [Managed|Management] Systems » 😉


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